A New Covenant

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In Mark 14, we explore the profound events of Jesus’ final week, leading up to the crucifixion. In this passage, we witness the poignant moment of Jesus being anointed in Bethany, a symbol of the sacrificial love soon to be fully realized at Calvary. As we delve into the text, we find ourselves at the Passover celebration, a time steeped in messianic expectation and historic remembrance. Here, Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper, transforming the Passover meal into a commemoration of His soon-to-be-shed blood and broken body, heralding a new covenant not just for those seated with Him but for all of humanity.

In this sacred gathering, juxtaposed against the backdrop of betrayal, Jesus declares the stark reality of His imminent betrayal and the scattering of His disciples. This narrative isn't just a recount of history; it's an invitation to each of us to witness the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan through Jesus, the Lamb of God. As we reflect on these truths, let us prepare our hearts to both remember and receive the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus, ensuring that His life, death, and resurrection continue to transform us daily. Join me as we honor and remember, understanding more deeply the weight of what it means to be followers of Christ.


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